miércoles, 27 de abril de 2016

The image is...

Nowadays, the social media shows us a lot of stereotypes about how "the beauty" should be. This situation make us complain about who we are and how would like to look, therefore people start saying " If I could change something in my body, I would be beautiful".

According to the video, some images don't show the reality, some of them are just an excellemt work to represent something that maybe doesn't exist. For that reason, it is worth mentioning, that we should not be influenced by what the media shows.

Furthermore, this social pressure can cause low self-esteem amd it promotes cosmetic surgeries, that in many cases are not necessary and it can put people's lives in danger.

To conclude, it is essential to have a strong self-esteem in order to have criterion. In that way, people could understant  that there is not just one meaning of beauty.

In colaboration with Camila Ortiz.

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